Women don’t generally like to talk about issues or problems “down there”, but having complications related to your bladder and uterus are actually quite common. In fact, no matter how old you are, you can fall victim to these 3 common issues.
It may sound intimidating, but menorrhagia is just a fancy way of saying that you have problems with your period. If you have heavy menstruation, very long periods, or bleeding in between periods, they you suffer from menorrhagia. When you look at it like that, it’s easy to see why menorrhagia is such a common problem!
Luckily, you don’t have to live with any of these problems. A good doctor will help you figure out what’s causing your menorrhagia, then tell you how it can be fixed. Generally, the treatments vary depending on what your specific issue is, so if you have heavy menstruation, the treatment could be different than if you have bleeding in between periods.
However, menorrhagia isn’t just an inconvenience.It can be a symptom of something more serious, so if your periods don’t seem normal, talk to an expert!
2.Uterine prolapse
Again, this is a term that sounds scary, but it’s actually a very common problem. With a uterine prolapse, your uterus either slides or sags away from its normal position. You may have a uterine prolapse if you suffer from regular bladder infections, if you have pain (either during intercourse or all of the time), or you have problems urinating – either going to frequently, or not enough.
A uterine prolapse can be brought on by giving birth several times. It can also be caused by age. As you get older, your body starts to produce less estrogen. Unfortunately, that estrogen is responsible for keeping your vaginal muscles strong. If your muscles get weak, they may no longer be able to support your uterus.
The result? Gravity takes over, and your uterus slides out of place.
3.Pelvic organ prolapse
Your uterus isn’t the only organ that can slide out of place. If you suffer from a pelvic organ prolapse, it means that either your bladder or your rectum has started to sag. In either event, the organ will put extra stress and strain on your vaginal walls. In some cases, you can even see a bulge where everything has shifted.
Just like a uterine prolapse, a pelvic organ prolapse is often caused by giving birth or getting older.
If left untreated, pelvic organ prolapse can lead to serious problems – including incontinence. Luckily, there are several treatment options that can get you back to normal.