If you’re reluctant to talk about issues “down there”, you’re not alone. In fact, many women have problems — both physical and cosmetic — that they never address, simply because they’re embarrassed.
But did you know that many of your problems can be solved with a simple surgical procedure? In fact, these 3 gynecological surgeries can make you feel like a new woman:
1. Pelvic relaxation surgery
When the muscles along your pelvic floor become weak or damaged, they sink into your vagina — a condition called “pelvic relaxation”. Anything from childbirth to plain ol’ aging can cause this problem, and it’s something you need to address right away.
If left untreated, pelvic relaxation can lead to pain during sex, incontinence, and even visible bulging.
Luckily, though, a short outpatient procedure can take care of everything. Depending on your exact problem, your doctor can insert a tiny sling to keep everything where it should be.
2. Vaginoplasty surgery
If you just don’t feel quite right “down there” from a cosmetic standpoint, this procedure may be perfect for you. When you get a vaginoplasty in Ohio, it’s like getting cosmetic surgery anywhere else on your body. You tell your doctor what you want to look like (you can even bring in a picture if you want!), and he can sculpt and shape everything to get it there.
A vaginoplasty in Ohio can even be used to reconstruct your hymen — a procedure that can be important for religious or cultural reasons.
Want even better news? If you get a vaginoplasty in Ohio, you don’t even have to worry about “going under the knife”. That’s because there are surgeons who use lasers — making for a more efficient surgery.
3. Labiaplasty surgery
Maybe you’ve never looked the same since you had kids. Maybe you’re dealing with some sagging as you age. Maybe you were injured in an accident, and you want to look the way you did before. No matter what your reason, a labiaplasty in Indiana can help.
Unlike a vaginoplasty (which sculpts the entire area), a labiaplsty in Indiana focuses squarely on your labia with a special laser (instead of a knife). That way, if they’re too big, misshaped, or even two different sizes, you can get the problem corrected.
And, like a vaginoplasty, you can tell your doctor exactly what you want your labia to look like before you get on the operating table. That way, you’ll feel a whole lot more confident and desirable when you wake up!
Want to see if these surgeries are right for you? Head to www.drberenholz.com!