Investing in precious metals has become more and more popular over the years — especially as the stock and real estate markets have become more and more risky. If you’re looking to make the most out of your money, a precious metals investment portfolio is a great way to do it.
Just be sure to take advantage of these 3 tips:
1. Don’t rely solely on gold
Gold bullion coins tend to be the most valuable out there — simply because they’re made from high-quality gold that keeps increasing in value. However, it would be a big mistake to discount the value of silver bullion. Here’s why:
– Silver bullion is much more affordable than gold. So, if you ever need to sell your collection, you’ll have a bigger pool of buyers vying for your silver coins, than you will for your gold bullion coins.
– Silver bullion has industrial value. By investing in some silver bars — instead of just coins — you’re opening yourself up to more potential buyers. That’s because silver bullion is used in a wide range of manufacturing processes. You’ll get a huge response to your silver from industrial buyers, but they won’t have any use for gold.
– Silver bullion coins can have major historical value. For example, some of the U.S. most famous coins are silver dollars that have historical figures printed on them. If you want to be able to market your collection to history buffs — instead of just coin fans — you’ll need to have some cool silver on hand.
2. Remember, there are other precious metals besides gold and silver
When you’re deciding how to invest in precious metals, it can be easy to focus solely on gold and silver. However, there are other valuable precious metals out there that you should be investing in. For example, there are platinum coins out there that are very rare. Palladium is one of the precious metals you may not think of very often, but it’s incredibly valuable. The same goes for copper and nickel.
By having a few “other” precious metals in your collection, you’ll have non-traditional pieces that could be very sought-after by certain buyers!
3. Pick the right coin dealer
Your precious metals investments are nothing without the right coin dealer. Work with the wrong one, and you may not have the selection you want — or you may get taken advantage of! If you’re planning on making precious metals part of your investment portfolio, it’s important to do your homework and find a coin dealer that you can trust, that’s stable enough to be in business for a long time.