Whether you’re in charge of the athletic department at a major university or you’re the athletic director for a small private high school, if you’ve got student-athletes, you need high-quality equipment. And, you definitely can’t have a successful athletic department without these 3 types of sports uniforms!
1. Baseball uniforms
The right baseball uniforms don’t just look great out on the diamond. They’re also built to withstand the rigors of a 9 inning game day in and day out. After all, your student athletes probably play at least 3 games a week. If they don’t have baseball pants that can handle a hard slide into second base or baseball jerseys that will be comfortable in both hot and cold temperatures, they’re going to have a rough time winning games.
Something else to remember – you’ll need a few pairs of baseball pants on hand for each player. That way, when you have stubborn grass and dirt stains that won’t come out, you’ll have a fresh pair ready to go, that looks great! After all, who wants to play on a “sloppy” team?
2. Basketball uniforms
Even though they don’t have to withstand the rigors of Mother Nature, your student-athletes still need rugged basketball uniforms. After all, that game against your arch-rival can get pretty heated! The last thing you want is a basketball jersey that tears during a hard foul or a jump ball.
And don’t forget – you’ll need relatively similar basketball uniforms for both the men and women’s teams.
They don’t have to be identical, but they have to be similar enough that everyone can tell they’re from the same school. You’ll need to find a sports uniform retailer that’s versatile enough to handle everything.
3.Cheerleading uniforms
Whether you’re trying to outfit the cute little cheerleaders on the junior varsity squad, the competitive college squad, or you’re looking for dynamite cheerleading uniforms that make your professionals look great, there are a couple of things that you’ll need to keep in mind:
– First, the cheerleading uniforms you buy will depend on the sport they’re being used for. For example, football cheerleaders may have to cheer in frigid temperatures, so they’ll need cold weather cheerleading uniforms that look great. Basketball cheerleaders, on the other hand, can wear any style of uniforms because they’ll always be performing inside.
– Second, if your cheerleaders ever plan on attending any competitions anywhere, they’ll need cheerleading uniforms that can handle the rigors of pyramids, back flips, and cartwheels – all while still looking great to the judges and holding firmly in place.