When you own a retail store, having great products isn’t enough to turn a profit. If you want to be as successful as possible, you also need great ways to showcase your products. After all, if your products are just thrown all over the place, it tells people that you’re messy and disorganized – and that’s not who they want to do business with!
So, how do you showcase your products the right way?
By making sure that you have these 4 display items on hand at all times:
1.Acrylic displays
Designed especially for smaller items, acrylic displays can make even tiny products stand out. And, luckily, acrylic displays can be as unique as your products are. There are basic acrylic shelves that can go right on your counters. You can also get acrylic displays that have mirrors attached to them, so that your customers can try out merchandise right at the counter. You can even get acrylic displays shaped like fingers and necks, so that customers can see exactly how jewelry is going to look.
And, if your store is going for an elegant vibe, you can even get acrylic displays that are covered with velvet!
2.A bulletin sign holder
Having a big sale? Putting a bunch of items on clearance? Got certain items you’re showcasing? Your customers may never know it if you don’t have a clear, easy-to-read, effective way to see the message. Luckily, a bulletin sign holder allows you to do just that!
A bulletin sign holder can be placed anywhere around your store – like right inside your front door or in specific clearance sections.
If you’ve got double the message to get out, you can get a bulletin sign holder with two openings. That way, your customers will only have to look in one spot to get all of the information they need.
3.Retail shopping bags
Ever walk around the mall, see a shopping bag, and decide to head to that particular store? That’s the power of retail shopping bags! With them, you can turn your customers into walking advertisements for your store.
And, of course, you can get retail shopping bags in virtually any size, color, or material that you need. That way, your bags can match your company brand!
4.A clothes hanger supply
Whether you opt for basic plastic or more upscale wood, a big clothes hanger supply is a must for any store that sells clothes. After all, without hangers, you can’t show off your merchandise! And, you can never have too many of them.