In the United States, employers lose millions due to theft. This could be an employee who is handling financial matters stealing money or employees stealing office supplies and expensive equipment. The median of monitory theft is more than $150,000, and the US businesses lose total of more than $40 billion every year. These thefts can cause a business to declare bankruptcy. Now the employers have found a solution to combat workplace theft and it is called the employment background check.
Theft is not the only crime that employers experience. Statistics show that the workplace violent crimes such as assaults, sexual assaults, rape and murder rate varies between 15-18 percent. The workplace violence can lead to law suits against the employer by victimized employees or their families. These law suits can drive a business towards bankruptcy. If a prospective employee has a history of violence, the only way an employer can find out is by running a pre-employment screening.
In the past, the common procedure that the employers followed was just to check the references of a prospective employee. That method didn’t say much about a person’s real background. An employment background check provides only the information related to past employment history. It is important to do a reference check but also it is important to run a pre-employment screening. It will help an employer to learn more about a prospective employee. These screenings will reveal a person’s criminal history and drunken driving records. If a prospective employee has a stolen identity, that will be revealed too.
The checks on employee criminal background can save money, time and a business because an employer can avoid hiring a person who cannot be trusted. If a business is related to child care, youth or elderly, these checks will be extremely helpful not to hire a sex offender, or a person who has a history of abusing young and the elderly. In any employment sector, the quality of trustworthiness of a prospective hire is extremely important. The criminal background checks for employment run by a professional service like the Tenant Screening Services LLC can check a prospective employee’s background to see whether he or she has any FBI records, police records and court records. A criminal background checks for employment can look into a person’s background beyond a poor job performance. For an employer who checks on employee criminal background and make the hiring decision, the savings go beyond a monitory value.
Although these background checks are extremely important, employers who try to do a background check of a prospective employee on their own won’t be able to find all the records in one place. To gather this information, they have to check many state and federal agencies. It can be extremely time consuming and difficult to crosscheck the data for accuracy. Also, there are many privacy laws that an employer has to navigate when doing background checks. That’s why seeking help of a professional company like Tenant Screening Services LLC is important.