Drug dependence and alcoholism are lift-threatening conditions. In fact, many professionals in the field believe that addiction is a chronic medical condition that requires more than a 12-step program, but a comprehensive rehabilitation program with the right treatment methods and therapies.
However, finding a California rehabilitation center is easier said than done. There are a wide range of avenues to recovery and many resources offering assistance for substance abuse. The key is finding a facility that is tailored to your needs or the needs of your loved one. Whether you’re searching for a California rehabilitation center for your own or a loved one’s addiction, learn how to find the best support and treatment program in California that meets your needs.
Research facilities with comprehensive services: Substance abuse treatment programs include inpatient and outpatient treatment programs, therapy, counseling, and detoxification programs. You or your loved one will need a combination of the right treatment programs in order to successfully overcome an addition and maintain a sober lifestyle.
However, not every facility offers every service. For example, while certain drug rehab centers in California might offer detoxification treatments, they might not be equipped with the right doctors to treat an underlying psychological condition.
However, the best California drug rehab centers usually offer comprehensive services under one roof, starting from the evaluation of the condition to proper detoxification to therapy programs. Go with a facility that offers as many services under one roof, making it easier for you to receive the help you need when you need it most.
Schedule a tour of the facilities, including the kitchen: Environment makes a big difference in recovery.
Unfortunately, drug rehab centers in California are not created equal. The first item on your check list should be sanitary conditions. Take a tour of the bedrooms, bathrooms, and hallways, and ask about maid services. Find a facility with clean and comfortable living quarter; for you, this might mean finding a place that offers single occupancy room arrangements.
It’s also important to schedule a lunch or dinner appointment so that you can sample the food typically offered at the facility. Healthy meal plans are a vital part of recovery and should be taken seriously. A facility with poor-quality or unhealthy food choices should be avoided.
Finally, make sure the facility is safe. For example, Malibu Horizon has staff on duty 24 hours a day, making sure that all clients are safe and monitored. To learn more about substance abuse recovery, please visit www.malibuhorizon.com.