The chain block technology developed in late 1960s is serving more specific needs of several industries. Retailers such as Hoists Direct carry wide selection of electrification and festooning needs.
An endless chain rather than a rope, operated from an overhead track to lift heavy weights in workshops, is a chain block. Many users call it “bock chain,” “bar-link,” “block-and-bar,” “chain fall,” or “chain hoist.” A typical chain block consists of two wheels with grooves that wound around them in simultaneous movement. A hook attached at the end easily lifts the object. This is most commonly used in auto repair garages to lift engines out of vehicles to allow easy access for repairs. The chain block is originally designed for industrial applications in late 1960s but seen more opportunities due to the heavy use in Rock-‘N’-Roll concerts and circuses, most manufacturers re-engineered the product for the entertainment industry.
Advantages of a chain block:
• It contains a simple mechanism allowing easy maintenance.
• Single person can operate especially when removing engines out of automobile chassis without additional assistance.
• Good for more specific applications such as in arenas and touring rigging.
• Ability and strength to lift very heavy loads to higher levels.
Disadvantages of a chain block:
• Compared to more modern roller chains, block chain is heavy
• Less efficient compared to roller chains due to its movement that engage and disengage each sprocket.
• Lack of dimensional standards like for roller chains.
The use of chain block is more apparent in the building industry where large amounts of material lifted to above ground floors. Elevators in many buildings use similar technology to operate. The automobile manufacturing assembly lines have been using chain block for many years.
In order to keep equipment at their optimum, routinely check lifting cable for corrosion, excessive wear, damage and deformation. The hook is extremely important and therefore, checks for any damages or defects. Apply grease to the chain regularly and oil the lifting cabin. Always store all your equipment in a dry place if not used more often covering it will ensure long term use.
Abell-Howe is one of the manufacturers that produce chain block technology driven products. Abell-Howe’s jib cranes offer standard cranes to meet end user needs as well as industries such as manufacturing, transportation, power, and oil and gas. Visit Hoists Direct to see its line of Abell-Howe products. Many electrification and festooning needs are met by these manufacturers and retailers.