Lots of people are turning to floating wood floors because they look and feel just like genuine hardwood, but they don’t come with the steep price tag of a real wood floor. By putting floating wood flooring down in your home, you get the best of both worlds – a product that looks elegant, that also doesn’t break your budget.
But did you know that you can do a few easy things to save yourself even more money on floating wood floors? All you have to do is follow these 3 tips:
1. Install them yourself
Floating wood floors do just that; they “float” over your subfloor. Installing floating wood flooring is as easy as laying the planks down next to each other and snapping them together. You won’t need to bother with any liquid adhesives or nails that have to be hammered in. In fact, the installation process is so easy that you can do it yourself – even if you’re not a home improvement pro.
When you buy a real wood floor, you don’t get that luxury. Instead, you have to pay professionals to install the floor for you – at a price that’s usually at least a few dollars per square foot.
As an added benefit, a good floating wood flooring manufacturer will even offer you free installation tips. That way, you can guarantee that the finished product will look professional.
2. Look for a manufacturer that offers wholesale wood flooring
Floating wood floors are already cheaper than a real wood floor. However, you can knock the price down even more by shopping around. Many manufacturers offer wholesale wood flooring right from their websites. That way, you can take advantage of wholesale wood flooring discounts – without even having to leave your house!
3. Find a manufacturers that has several different warehouse locations
Chances are the best floating wood flooring manufacturer isn’t right in your backyard – meaning that you won’t be able to drive to the warehouse and pick up the flooring materials yourself. Instead, you will have to have everything shipped to you. It’s a more convenient way of doing business, but it can also be costly.
If you want to save some money on your shipping costs, look for a floating wood flooring manufacturer that has several different warehouses around the country. That way, the odds are higher that one of the warehouses will be somewhat close to you – meaning that you can dramatically reduce your shipping costs.