Whether you’re a professional or just a novice, there is a lot that goes into successful pipe welding. You don’t just get to lay things together and start welding. Instead, each pipe welding project requires an attention to detail.
If you want your pipe welding projects to be successful, then you’ll know all about the ins and outs of these 3 things:
1. High pressure fittings
Your pipe welding projects are a waste of time if your pipes can’t accommodate liquids, oils, and gases traveling at high speeds. In order to make sure that your pipes can take whatever is thrown at them, you’ll need the right high pressure fittings. Designed to help pipes brace for fast-moving liquids, oils, and gases, high pressure fittings come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some of the most common are elbows, couplings, filters, and crosses. You’ll have to choose a shape and size carefully; otherwise, your fittings won’t hold in place.
Your high pressure fittings will go in between the pipes, in an effort to connect everything. Since they’re designed to handle lots of speed and pressure, you won’t have to worry about your pipes coming apart if you use the right fittings.
2. Butt welding
Made popular in recent years, butt welding allows you to skip over a step that’s part of traditional pipe welding. Unlike most other welding techniques, butt welding very rarely requires any kind of post-welding work – meaning it can save you valuable time if you’re doing the work yourself, or money if you’re hiring a professional to do the work for you.
So, how does butt welding work?
All you have to do is lay two pieces of metal or plastic side-by-side, and weld them along a single seam. When butt welding is done correctly, you won’t see the seam. Instead, it will look like one big piece of metal or plastic, rather than two!
Plus, butt welding is strong enough that it will prevent corrosion and brittleness from forming at the seam.
3. Valve repair services
Even the very best pipe welding projects don’t last forever. Yours will need some kind of maintenance work down the road – usually, in the form of valve repair services. Valve repair services can also be absolutely essential during emergency situations – like when a pipe springs a leak, or when a fitting pops off. Whether your issue is an urgent one, or simply a matter of convenience, you can’t cut corners when it comes to valve repair services!