If you own a business that uses company cars, you know how much of an investment it is. The last thing you want is to have employees that put excess wear and tear on their company cars – either by using the cars for personal gain or by driving in a way that’s reckless.
But it’s not like you can ride around with your employees all day, so how do you keep track of all of your cars?
With a vehicle tracking system!
By having one installed on each of your company cars, your business can take advantage of these 3 benefits:
1. Truck tracking
Let’s say that you have a bunch of delivery trucks, and you want to make sure that your drivers are sticking to their scheduled routes – instead of making a bunch of personal stops along the way. Or, let’s say that your delivery trucks have a bunch of high-priced items in them. You simply can’t afford to have your trucks stolen. With a good truck tracking system, you can keep an eye on everything!
A good truck tracking system will be able to tell you exactly where each truck is, how fast they’re all traveling, what direction they’re headed in, and even whether or not they need an oil change! And, you won’t need any fancy equipment to do it. All you have to do is install the vehicle tracking system on your truck, then log into the system from your home or office computer.
With just a few clicks of your mouse, you can see everything!
2. ProMiles
A good vehicle tracking system will come with ProMiles technology.
What does that mean?
With ProMiles, your tracking system will keep track of all of your trip records in accordance with state and federal tax laws. And since everything is computerized, you won’t have to worry about having a bunch of paperwork or calculating things on your own. Instead, you’ll know exactly what miles and trips you can and can’t deduct on your tax return – without worrying that you’re forgetting anything!
3. Instant results from anywhere
With a GPS vehicle tracking system, you can see where your company cars are, at any time of the day or night, no matter how far away they might be. That’s something you just don’t get from Lo Jack. In fact, a Lo Jack system can only be activated by the police. You won’t have the access on your home or office computer like you do with a GPS vehicle tracking system. Unless a crime has been committed, a Lo Jack system won’t be able to provide you with any information!