Approximately 6 million of Americans suffer from sleep apnea. Many people can live with sleep apnea and not know it. Many won’t know until it is brought to their attention by another person. Sleep apnea occurs when a person experiences abnormal pauses in breathing during sleep. Each pause in breathing, called an apnea, could potentially last up to minutes at a time, occurring upwards of 30 times or more in under an hour.
There are several subtle ways to tell if a person has sleep apnea. Symtoms include feeling tired throughout the day, headaches, and waking up with dry mouth or a sore throat. Other more obvious symptoms, like loud snoring, may be something a family member could identify. The frequent drop in oxygen during apneas that occur throughout the night not only reduce sleep time, but trigger the release of stress hormones. Stress could cause a raised heart rate and increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. The hormones can also raise the risk of heart failure.
If sleep apnea goes untreated it also could lead to changes in how body uses energy. These changes could increase the risk of obesity and diabetes. One of the best sleep apnea solutions could be the lap band surgery.
The lap band surgery is a minimally invasive weight loss surgery which is perfect for patients that would like to lose 50 pounds or more. This revolutionary weight loss surgery has helped patients become healthy and reduce the risk of many medical conditions and could possibly cure obesity-related diseases a patient may have. The lap band is an adjustable band that is placed on the upper part of stomach, creating a small upper pouch in order to make a new smaller stomach. This new smaller stomach helps a patient feel full faster and stay full longer. The lap band surgery compared to other weight loss surgeries doesn’t require the use of staples and or cutting of the stomach.
This gastric banding surgery is reversible and adjustable so that each patient has a customized experience. The lap band adjustments are done by a bariatric doctor and are quick and simple. To adjust the band the doctor locates the lap band port and injects saline so it can inflate to appropriate size, restricting the flow of food into the stomach. Some patients only need one adjustment in order to eat the amount of food that will keep them satisfied, but others need more than one. This is the reason why this surgery is unique; everybody is different. This system will adapt to the patient, not the patient to the system.
Like every surgery there’s always a possibility of complications. A lap band complication can be avoided by learning how to eat correctly after surgery. Patients have to learn how to distinguish when they are about to become full before continuing to eat and possibly cause vomiting and maybe band slippage. By following your lap band doctor’s orders, most complications can be avoided.
For more information about the lap band surgery please visit or call (877)919-9997.