Smartphones, tablets and other similar devices are expanding business opportunities at an unprecedented scale over the Internet. They provide business opportunities 24/7 and all over the world. But security of merchant credit card processing and other business related data have been a major concern. Hackers all over the world are creating havoc not only in the business community but also by attacking much secured defense, security and other services. Are these concerns overblown?
It seems they are not. It is true that business opportunities brought in by smartphones, tablets and other devices are not without any risks. Every day there are reports of thefts of smartphones that resulted in fatalities for many and occurring all over the world. Therefore, it brings an additional burden on the business not only to protect its valuable data but also to protect lives of employees.
Certain businesses that accept credit cards it becomes more important to protect its data. Among those financial institutions, credit card companies, credit rating agencies, sensitive government organizations, small and big businesses and similar organizations should look into many forma of security. Businesses especially adopt certain measures to protect customer as well as business data. Attention should be given to credit card machine that process credit purchases at brick and mortar locations. Those businesses that accept credit cards and process online purchases should carefully select providers for merchant accounts and payment gateway. Some of the measures that can be implemented by businesses include, but not limited to, encryption of all sensitive data such as card numbers and names, requirement of a PIN, access control, training that includes identification of suspicious activities, ability to delete data remotely and other measures.
How a business store data is also important. Data should not be stored on mobile devices due to the fear of lost or stolen devices. More and more businesses as well as merchant credit card processing services are choosing much secured cloud based storage that reduce or eliminate the cost of maintenance and capital cost to purchase storage equipment.
IT personal and business owners should work together to identify vulnerabilities of mobile devices as well as stationary credit card machine and should consider all aspects before selecting devices as well as services.
Go online to Payment Solutions, get solutions for your security concerns and to obtain an excellent merchant account and payment gateway services.