If you’ve been thinking about replacing your natural grass with artificial grass, but you think it’s going to be too expensive, think again!
Artificial turf is a wise investment, as long as you understand everything that you’re getting out of it. When you add up how much artificial grass is going to cost you, it’s important to keep these 3 big benefits in mind. Here’s why the investment you make in artificial grass is totally worth it:
1. Artificial grass never needs any kind of maintenance
Forget all of the time you spend laboring over your yard for right now. How much money are you spending on it?
Every time you water the grass, you’re using hundreds of gallons of water. Every time the grass needs to be cut, you have to buy gas for your lawnmower or pay someone else to mow it for you. Every time weeds pop up, you have to head to the store and buy fertilizer.
Let’s face it — having natural grass is expensive!
Luckily, you don’t have to worry about any of that when you have synthetic grass. Instead, once it’s installed, you never have to do anything else to it. That alone can make your artificial grass cost a whole lot more appealing!
2. Artificial turf never needs to be replaced
With artificial grass, the cost is higher than if you were to go out and buy a few bags of seed or some pallets of sod. However, that seed and sod aren’t going to last forever. If you’re lucky, they’ll last a year or two.
Then, you’ll be back out, spending more money on replacement patches.
However, that’s not an issue with artificial turf. That’s because synthetic grass is designed to last at least a decade. In fact, it’s not uncommon for artificial grass to still look good after 15 years! When you calculate the cost of artificial grass, remember that it’s a one-time expense.
3. Artificial grass can be used anywhere
You might think of artificial turf as something that only professional sports stadiums use, but synthetic grass is actually popping up all over the place, from city parks to tiny backyards. As a result, artificial grass manufacturers have worked hard to create a product that everyone can afford — not just rich sports owners. If you work with the right manufacturer, you’ll wind up with an artificial grass cost that doesn’t send your wallet screaming for mercy!