Buying dental plan insurance means searching the world wide web for the most affordable dental coverage. If you want a plan that truly gives you the most bang for your buck, take advantage of these 5 dos and don’ts:
1. DO compare plans
You probably wouldn’t buy a pair of sunglasses without trying on several different pairs, so why would you even think about buying dental plan insurance without looking at several different plans?
If you want to win the insurance game, the only way to do it is to do your homework right in the beginning. That’s why it’s so important to find a website that will let you compare several different plans all at once.
2. DON’T just settle for the lowest monthly rate
Yes, affordable dental insurance will come with manageable monthly premium payments. However, some less-than-stellar plans will offer great premiums – then make up for it by charging you an arm and a leg in deductibles, copays, and other out-of-pocket expenses.
That’s why it’s so important to compare all of the possible insurance for dental coverage out there. A plan that looks great on the surface may turn out to be terrible once you start reading the fine print!
3. DO make sure that your dental plan insurance covers emergencies
You never know when a chipped tooth or a broken filling is going to strike. And, unfortunately, when issues pop up out of the blue, they tend to be expensive – unless your dental plan insurance covers emergencies.
Remember, you don’t have a choice when it comes to emergencies. If something truly urgent arises, you don’t have the luxury of just ignoring it. That’s why it’s so important to get dental insurance that covers after-hours visits, urgent surgical procedures, and other emergency services.
4. DO think about bundling your dental and vision insurance together
Getting affordable dental coverage may be as easy as buying it at the same time that you buy a vision plan.
Most of the big insurance companies will give you discounts if you have more than one policy with them – so buying dental and vision insurance from the same place can save you valuable cash every month. After all, you need insurance for dental and vision purposes. Why not get them from the same place?!
5. DON’T ignore the approved provider list
PPOs can offer the most affordable dental coverage. However, each PPO plan comes with a list of approved dentists and specialists. If you’re dealing with a good plan, you’ll get a long list of dentists to choose from. Get the wrong policy, though, and your list could be short and unhelpful.