If you’re in charge of any kind of hiring for your company, you need to make criminal background checks for employment a part of your routine.
If you don’t, you’re leaving yourself at the mercy of your applicants. Sure, they might be OK, but what if they’re not?
Here’s why the right employee criminal background check is so important:
1. You have to deal with this person every day
Unlike a tenant screening — where you’re just trying to make sure that your property is being rented to someone who’s responsible and capable of paying you every month — an employment background check is important because it deals with your physical safety. If you wind up hiring someone who’s less-than-savory, you’re putting your own safety at risk.
Sure, you’d rather not rent your property to a dangerous criminal, too, but you’re not going to have to deal with this person on a daily basis. That’s why potential employees have to be checked way more carefully than the average tenant screening.
2. You don’t know if they’re who they say they are
A good employee criminal background check will also include a verification of the applicant’s Social Security number.
That way, you can make sure you’re not dealing with someone who has passed along a fake identity in order to pass an employment background check. Plus, you can make sure your potential employee is here legally, so that you won’t have any problems later.
3. You don’t know if they have a record somewhere else
You might be able to search in your own county or city to see if your potential employee has a criminal past, but what if he’s got a record in another state? You could be dealing with someone very dangerous — or, at the very least, dangerous to your company — and not even know it!
That’s why good criminal background checks for employment will go way beyond your local jurisdiction. They’ll also include a thorough nationwide search to see if your potential employee has run into any issues anywhere else.
4. You can’t be too careful
You might think that doing an employee criminal background check is a little insulting to the applicant, but the truth is, you can’t be too careful. And, if someone is offended that you’re running an employment background check, you have to wonder why. Do they have something to hide?!
Bottom line — you’re much better off being thorough now, rather than having a bunch of regrets later!
Want to know who you’re really dealing with? Visit www.quickbackgroundchecks.com!