When you do a quick internet search, getting the best affordable dental insurance for your family can seem like a tall task. After all, it seems like there is a never-ending array of companies that claim to have the best deals. So, how do you find family dental insurance that everyone can take advantage of – that also won’t break your bank account?
Follow these 4 tips:
1. Start by looking at dental PPO plans
Typically, a dental PPO is the most affordable – whether you’ve got a house full of kids, or you’re looking for coverage just for you and your spouse. That’s because a dental PPO policy comes with a list of approved providers. In exchange for being on the lists, these providers charge your insurance company lower rates – meaning that your insurance company can pass on its savings to you, in the form of lower premiums, copays, and deductibles.
If you’re working with a good company, you’ll have a large list of providers to choose from. However, if you don’t want to be limited by a list, you’ll wind up paying more for a non-PPO plan.
2. Make sure your plan comes with free preventative services
The best family dental insurance will provide preventative care – like routine check-ups, cleanings, and x-rays – free of charge. That’s because it’s cheaper for an insurance company to pay for a few x-rays now than it is to have to pay for a major procedure later because you never got a check-up.
No matter how affordable your dental plan seems, if you’ve got family dental insurance that doesn’t cover the full cost of your preventative care, it’s time to look elsewhere.
3. See how long your kids will be covered
This can vary from one dental plan to another. Some family plans will cover your kids until they turn 18, while others will cover them until they’re in their 20’s. If you’ve got kids that are going to be headed off to college soon – and you don’t want to have to get an individual dental plan for each of them – make sure that your family dental insurance plan will cover them until they get their degrees – or even longer.
4. Make sure that your family plan has all of the “extras” that you need
An affordable dental plan can quickly turn costly if you need services and procedures that aren’t covered by your policy. For example, if your family dental insurance doesn’t cover orthodontic work, and your youngest daughter needs braces a year from now, you’re going to wind up footing the bill all by yourself.
Before you sign on the dotted line of any dental plan, make sure that it covers everything you and your family may possibly need. That way, you won’t get any expensive surprises later!