Replacing the tires on your car on time is very important since yours and your family’s safety depends on the tires. Not only the safety factor, other factors such as fuel efficiency of the car, the comfort of the ride all depend on the state of the tires. So how would you know when your 4×4 tire needs replacing?
Just like with everything else your brand new Michelin tires get worn out with use and need replacing but not knowing when to replace them can result in having a tire blow out because you waited too long. Here are indicators that your tires need replacing:
Tread depth
It is recommended that your tire depth should not fall below 1/16th of an inch. You can test this out by taking a penny and inserting Abe’s head in to the tread. If you see his forehead just below the hair the tires will need replacing soon and if you can see the top of his hair or the blank space above you need to get new Michelin tires immediately as not having enough tread depth means there is no traction in the tires.
Since tires do not always wear evenly due to not being properly inflated it is better to check the tread in several places including the center and outer edges as well as any visibly bald patches.
The tread wear indicator bars on newer tires like the new 4×4 tire indicate when the tread is getting too low. If more than one or two are visible on the tire it means that the tread is getting too low and you should visit to get new SUV tires online.
Cracks appearing on the sidewalls
If a regular check on the tires show cracks and cuts on the side wall it means that the tire could be leaking and could blow out.
Visible cords and cables and any other damage to the tire such a deep cuts which cannot be repaired, bulges and punctures on the tire all mean that the tire needs replacement soon.
When replacing your tires make sure you get good quality tires. will be a good place to shop for tires at affordable prices since they are Uniroyal tire dealers as well.
Under general driving conditions it is a good idea to have your tires replaced every 6 years, but should check on your tires regularly.
Be smart and order your SUV tires online from Uniroyal tire dealers for best tires at the best price.