It’s one thing to pay premiums for your dental coverage every month. It’s another thing to know that your money is going towards the best dental plan insurance possible.
So, is yours making the grade?
The answers to these 4 questions will let you know:
1. Are you paying less for family dental insurance that you would for individual coverage?
Buying family dental insurance is like buying bulk. The more people you sign up for coverage, the better your rates are going to be. So, do the math. If it would actually be cheaper to go out and get everyone their own individual dental plan insurance, your family plan simply isn’t making the grade!
2. Does your plan include orthodontic insurance?
Have you looked at the price of a set of braces lately?
That mouth full of metal can cost thousands of dollars!
That’s why, if there’s even the slightest chance that you (or anyone else who’s covered under your dental insurance) are going to need braces anytime in the near future, you need to make sure that your policy includes orthodontic insurance. If it doesn’t, find a new plan!
3. What kind of providers do you have to choose from?
If you have PPO dental plan insurance — which is the most popular type of dental coverage — you’re going to get a list of dentists and specialists that you have to choose from. As long as you go to a provider on that list, you’ll have full access to your benefits. If you go to someone who’s not on the list, you may end up paying all or part of the bill yourself.
As a result, you’ve got to make sure that your dental insurance comes with a good list. If there isn’t anyone in your area on the list — or if there are so few dentists to choose from that you can’t find a good one — your dental coverage isn’t worth the money you’re spending on it!
4. Does your dental coverage include free preventative services?
Over the past few years, the dental insurance world has become so chock full of competition that insurance companies are doing whatever they can to make themselves stand out. As a result, one of the big perks you can take advantage of is free preventative services — like routine check-ups, x-rays, and cleanings.
If your dental coverage doesn’t come with these freebies, you’re spending a whole lot more than you need to be!
Time for a change? Find dental plan insurance that meets your needs and fits into your budget at!