Even those who willingly sign up for the duties of cleaning Marina del Rey beaches and popular parks on weekends will, more frequently than they’d like to admit, dither about doing their dishes or sprucing up the bathroom tiles. Oh, dear, it bathroom-cleaning time! They smarten, and then sigh. It’s the nature of the game, as those with a marked propensity for cliché use are so fond of remarking.
The game plays out like this: one group, living in an immaculately kept home will sit down at a kitchen table, recall the days of youth, and dreamily mock-inquire as to the whereabouts of a devilishly fashionable and flamboyantly behatted lady — sobriqueted Carmen San Diego — as an inwardly heard cartoon theme song plays. Others, more pragmatically minded, but with less volition to clean up after themselves with strict regularity, will demand — obviously more plaintively than dreamily — Where in the world is Mary Poppins? When the lights are on in the attic, this same group will usually Google-search “home cleaning Los Angeles.”
That last personage — a less flamingly hatted lady than San Diego — is no maid, of course, but the nanny sure did know how to wield the sugar spoonfuls and make the medicine — err — obligation to carrying out all requisite cleaning chores bear down more lightly upon a person’s shoulders. Ah, how television and literature make the spirit dream! Even when you’re on the Miracle Mile, in Los Angeles, cleaning time is known to arrive with incessant regularity — if it’s not your home, then it’s the office that needs brightening.
But there’s really no unduly leaden philosophical dilemma here. If you don’t want to clean, make your contribution to the country’s dire employment rate and hire. Professional home or office cleaning in Los Angeles is available to you. Stop pretending you’re Gwen Stefani because repeating her lyrics, “What you waiting, what you waiting, what you waiting for?” to yourself will not actually inspire you to clean. Also, Mary Poppins’ latest earthly incarnation is way too busy living it up at a Broadway show grand tour and, consequently, will not be available for house calls on your street any time soon. It’s a professional cleaning service that will get you the spoonful of sugar you need.