More and more homeowners are opting for synthetic lawns. And, when you consider all of the benefits that artificial grass gives you, it’s easy to see why! In fact, there are 5 things that synthetic lawns give you that real lawns don’t:
1. They never require any maintenance
Once your artificial turf lawn is installed, you’ll never need to do anything else to it.
In fact, this is the biggest perk of synthetic lawns. You’ll never need to mow them, water them, or fertilize them. What could you be doing with all of that time you spend cutting the grass, or all of the money you spend on a lawn service? You’ll actually have more time and money to spend enjoying your yard, instead of slaving away at it!
2. They’re a one-time expense
Synthetic grass costs more than a pallet of sod or a package of seed does. So, your initial costs will be higher with synthetic lawns. However, artificial grass is also a one-time expense.
In fact, an artificial turf lawn can actually save you money in the long run! Since you’ll never need to water it, you’ll notice an immediate savings on your water bills. Since you’ll never need to mow it, you’ll never have to spend any more money on yard tools or gas for your lawnmower.
3. They’re always green and plush
You’ll never need to replace patches of synthetic grass after a frigid winter. You won’t need to worry about your artificial turf lawn dying during a hot summer. You won’t have to cringe when you see yet another weather report that doesn’t call for any rain. No matter what season it is, synthetic lawns can handle it. They are designed to look green and plush, regardless of what the weather is doing.
4. They’re safer to run around on
If you take a close look at real grass, you’ll see that it has ever-so-slight peaks and valleys to it. As a result, it doesn’t take much for your kids to trip and fall when they’re running on it.
However, synthetic lawns are completely flat. Because they’re man-made, instead of made by Mother Nature, they don’t have any of those dangerous peaks and valleys.
5. They can last for decades
When’s the last time that you saw real grass last for 10 or 15 years, without any maintenance? It just doesn’t happen! No matter how hard you work on your real grass, you’re going to need to replace it at some point. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to get a few years out of it.
With artificial grass, on the other hand, it’s not unusual for it to look great for decades. Some synthetic lawns can go for 20 years before they need any work done to them. How’s that for a return on your investment?!