Did you know that some of the most common female problems can be solved through vaginal surgery?
It’s true!
In fact, if you’re dealing with any of these 3 problems, surgery may be the perfect option:
1. It can eliminate incontinence problems
Even just a little bit of incontinence can signal a big problem — not to mention the fact that it can be completely embarrassing! If you tend to “leak” whenever you cough, sneeze, or laugh, pelvic relaxation might be to blame.
Pelvic relaxation is the term used whenever your pelvic muscles become weak — either due to plain ol’ aging, childbirth, or some kind of trauma. If your muscles are weak, your bladder can actually sink into your vagina.
Not only is it painful, it can make it tough for your bladder to empty itself when you go to the bathroom. As a result, you “leak” later.
During pelvic relaxation surgery, your doctor will insert a tiny sling that helps your muscles support the organs around them.
2. It can make sex more enjoyable
Even if your pelvic muscles are still strong enough to support your organs, they might be relaxed enough to dull the sensations of sex. If you aren’t seeing the same sexual satisfaction that you did years ago, laser vaginal surgery can help.
In fact, these surgeries are designed to “rejuvenate” your vaginal area — by strengthening the muscles in the outer third of your vagina, which is where most of the sensation comes from.
Laser vaginal surgery is a great option for women who are not seeing results from things like Kegel exercises.
3. It can make you look better
If you’re embarrassed by the way you look “down there”, you don’t have to be. Thanks to a labiaplasty in Minneapolis, you can change the way you look and feel more confident.
After all, there are a number of things that can make you feel self-conscious about your labia. Maybe you were born with labia that are different sizes. Maybe they stretched during childbirth, and you don’t like the way they look now. Or, maybe you just wish you could look like a model in a pin-up calendar.
Regardless of the reason, going through a labiaplasty in Minneapolis is just like going through any other kind of plastic surgery. You can tell your doctor exactly what you want to look like when the procedure is finished. You can even bring in pictures if you want to! During your surgery, your doctor will be able to sculpt your labia so that they’re the same size, smaller, or just a better shape overall.
Dr. Berenholz is an OB-GYN who has helped women overcome physical and cosmetic issues for decades. Find out more about his expertise on www.drberenholz.com.