If you own a business, then you probably understand how important it is to be able to accept credit cards. After all, most people don’t have a lot of cash on-hand, so if you don’t accept credit card payments, you’re missing out on countless profits.
You’re simply encouraging potential customers to go elsewhere!
But in today’s world, just having the “bare bones” credit card equipment isn’t good enough. If you want to make the most out of your bottom line, you’ll need these 2 things:
1. Ecommerce credit card processing
Are you taking full advantage of the world wide web? If you can’t accept credit card payments online, then you’re not! That fancy website you’ve got doesn’t do you a whole lot of good if people can’t pay for your products and services on it. Remember, shopping on the internet has become a part of daily life for millions of people. If you don’t offer the convenience of paying with credit cards on your website, people may opt to do business with one of your competitors instead!
A good ecommerce credit card processing system will make it easy for your website to accept credit card payments anytime of the day or night. Plus, if you have a quality merchant services provider, your ecommerce credit card processing system will also come with state-of-the-art fraud monitoring and encryption capabilities that make your customers feel safe punching in their financial information on your website.
2. Wireless credit card processing
If you think that it’s good enough to just accept credit cards inside your brick and mortar store and on your website, think again. You’re still missing out on a big opportunity!
If your company makes deliveries, sets up booths at street fairs, provides help to stranded drivers, or networks at trade shows – or does any other kind of business outside the office – then you need wireless credit card processing capabilities. With them, you’ll be able to accept credit card payments while you’re standing on someone’s doorstep, standing in the middle of a crowded street fair, or even standing on the side of the road!
Wireless credit card processing systems use the same technology as the wireless internet on your smartphone, so, as long as you’ve got a signal, you can accept credit cards! A quality merchant services provider will even give you small, portable credit card processing equipment that even comes with a tiny printer, so that you can print out receipts anywhere!