If you want to accept credit cards, you have to find a quality merchant services provider. But with so many companies out there claiming to be the best, how do you know if you’re dealing with a good one?
Ask these 4 questions before you sign on the dotted line:
1. “Will I be able to accept credit cards anywhere?”
In today’s day and age, businesses accept credit card payments at all sorts of different places. If your potential merchant services provider is only offering you equipment that sits right next to your cash register, you’re missing out. After all, what would happen if you set up a booth at a street fair or at a trade show? Or what if you made deliveries? Without the right equipment, you would have to turn credit cards – and all of the profits associated with them – away!
When you get total merchant services from your provider, you get traditional credit card equipment and portable equipment that can be used anywhere.
2. “Will I be able to accept credit card payments on my website?”
Online merchant account services are a huge part of doing business in today’s world, so if your potential provider doesn’t offer them, find another one! And, it’s not good enough to just find a company that offers online merchant account services; you need one that excels at the world wide web!
When you accept credit card payments on your website, it’s different than any other type of transaction. You need a merchant services provider that uses the latest fraud monitoring and encryption services, so that your customers feel comfortable placing orders on your website. Plus, you need online merchant account services that you can depend on 24/7. After all, the internet never closes!
3. “What kind of tech support do you offer?”
Getting total merchant services means getting 24/7 tech support. You cannot compromise on this! If you run into a problem with your credit card processing equipment, you need a provider that’s going to be able to get it fixed, no matter what time it is. After all, every minute that you can’t accept credit card payments is a minute that you’re missing out on valuable profits!
4. “How long will it take for money to show up in my account?”
When you accept credit cards, you don’t get the money instantly. Instead, it’s up to your merchant services provider to authorize the transaction, then transfer the money from your customer’s account into yours. A good provider will make sure you get the money within a couple of days. But if you pick a bad provider, you could wait weeks to get your money. That’s simply unacceptable!