February 7, 2025



  • Articles you submit should be your original work and not copied content from anywhere else. If you must hire a ghost writer, ensure that you own exclusive rights to the article before you pass it for submission.
  • Only articles that have NOT been submitted to other article directories may be allowed to be submitted. This is a strict policy and we will check with Google for duplicated content. Articles that are duplicated will be rejected.
  • There is no guarantee that the article you submit will be accepted and published. Final decision of whether the article will be added in the article directory rests on us and no one else. If the article has been proven to be eligible, the article will stay in the directory as long as we see fit.
  • Article category may change if we find that it has been added to a wrong category or it does not fit the category it was originally submitted under.
  • When the article has been submitted to us, we have the right to:
    • Include it in our article directory and any other partner websites or directories
    • Publish it via RSS feed, where it can be syndicated by other websites
    • Print it on any of our newsletters whether on a daily, weekly or real time basis
  • No fees will be paid for articles submitted, approved or rejected at any time. The article directory is a free service made available for both publishers and authors. However, we will make sure that you get due credit for your work and the resource box will be kept intact at all times.
  • No affiliate links are allowed within the body of the article. You can use the resource box to put in your links and have it redirected to an affiliate program you wish to promote.
  • The article may be translated to fit a partner site should we see fit.
  • Any part of the Terms of Service may change without notice due to our discretion with or without prior notice to you.
  • Advertising on pages within the article directory, including pages with articles may be placed at any time at our discretion.


  • The author’s copyright must be visible within the article should you decide to publish an article from the article directory, this includes the resource box of the author as well as any links specified by the author.
  • Any changes including editing or rewording any part or the whole of the article cannot be made unless permission has been granted within the terms.
  • Hyperlinks added by the author must be kept intact at all times. You are not allowed to edit, delete or make inactive any links included by the author. These links should be made clickable and must be accessed by users at all times and must lead to the original destination as specified by the author, whether the links are active or inactive.
  • Including material/articles in the article directory to any form of SPAM or unsolicited mail is strictly forbidden.
  • Articles in the article directory cannot be published on any website that may contain illegal activities like racism, hate, porn, wares and the like.
  • Single or compiled articles are not allowed to be sold to any individual or company unless permission is granted by the author of the article(s).


  • Plagiarism is a crime and only unique content must be submitted. Only articles written by you can is eligible for submission.
  • Rebranded articles are strictly discouraged. Copyrighted material should belong to you before you submit an article. Ghost writers may be hired provided that all rights to the article belong to you before you submit it to the article directory.
  • Once an article is submitted, you give full publication rights to the article directory. The article directory reserves the right to decide when it will appear on the directory as well as its RSS feed. The article directory also reserves the right to change its category should we deem it as wrongly classified and added into the wrong category.
  • When the article has been published, it is then free for anyone to publish on newsletters, e-zines or publishers’ websites. This right is granted to publishers with the condition that no modifications can be made to the article including hyperlinks and the resource box.
  • Affiliate links are not allowed within the body of the main article. However, links to other sites that you find may be useful to other readers as well as a link to your own site is allowed.
  • No financial compensation will be received for any of the articles submitted in the article directory. The article directory is a free service.
  • Article inclusion into the article directory is not guaranteed. Approval of articles will entirely depend on us.
  • Proof read articles to make sure that there are no spelling and grammar errors. Make sure that articles have been checked for plagiarism. Articles that do not meet these requirements will result to rejection.


The article directory is not accountable for any inaccuracies in articles, whether it is within the article directory or on any of its partner sites. Bringing together publishers and authors is the primary goal of the article directory. Should you suspect someone has plagiarized your work, you are advised to contact us immediately and we will make the necessary actions to remove the copied content as soon as possible.

No kind of endorsement for authors or publishers or any of the products mentioned within the article content is supported by the article directory in any form, unless the author of the article is a member of the article directory team. Articles within the article directory site is strictly used for informational purposes and are in no way should you take use it as a form of medical, legal or any kind of advice.


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