Finding the best dental insurance can be tricky. Luckily, though, there’s an easy way to tell if your dental plan is the right one. Just ask yourself these 2 questions:
1. “Am I getting enough bang for my buck?”
No matter what kind of plan you have, this is the most important question to ask yourself. If you’re like most people, you don’t have a ton of extra cash to toss around – so you need to make sure that the expenses you do have are smart ones.
How do you know if you’re getting bang for your buck?
That depends on the dental insurance you have.
If, for example, you have a discount dental plan, do the discounts you get exceed the money you’re spending to be a part of the program? If your discounts aren’t all that great, you’re spending more than you need to.
Or, if you have family dental insurance, is everyone getting all they need to out of it? If you’re paying premiums, but aren’t getting the coverage you need – like, if your plan doesn’t include orthodontic work, and all of your kids need braces – your monthly premium payments are a waste.
If you’re not getting enough bang for your buck, it doesn’t mean that you should give up your dental plan altogether. It simply means that you need to start looking for a new one. There are plenty of options out there that will give you the coverage you need, at a price you can afford.
2. “Am I paying for coverage that I don’t need?”
The best dental insurance varies from person to person. It will charge you an affordable rate for the services and procedures that you need. If you’ve got a dental plan that comes with a bunch of stuff that you’ll never need, you’re wasting your money.
Your best bet is to go through your policy, and see exactly what’s covered. If there are things that you absolutely don’t need, there’s no reason to pay for them. You’re better off looking for a different plan that’s better-suited to your needs.
This is something you can also do on a family dental insurance plan, although it gets a little trickier because you’re trying to figure out what several people need and don’t need. If there’s any doubt that your kids may need something down the road – like braces or their wisdom teeth removed – make sure it’s included in your plan.
If you’re having trouble finding a traditional dental insurance policy that fits your needs, look into a discount dental plan. That way, you’ll wind up only paying for the services and procedures that you actually go get.